Wednesday, April 11, 2012


OK - I know this may sound like wishful thinking, but I've always believed that if you want something good to happen, you need to have a positive, open and inviting attitude. So I keep singing that Beatles tune........Doo, doo, doo, doo......and focusing skyward, to watch it open up. I have to say that my recent trip to the southwest (Las Vegas, Phoenix and Tucscon) kind of spoiled me in the sunshine department - my skin warmed up every day under temperatures ranging from 70 to a high of 94, and it felt just wonderful. I try not to waste a lot of time lamenting weather conditions, but when the battle rages between snow and freezing temps in March and a need to have my soil reach 60 degrees for dahlia planting, you know which cause will win out. Since returning home on April 4, I have tried to get outside every day, and I am pleased to announce that yesterday, it was hovering around 70 for most of the day, even if a bit overcast. I was able to get out, shovel a bunch of manure and compost, and start leveling out my four main beds. When I went out at 8:00 for my nightly walk (after the M's game, of course!)it was still so mild, I didn't even need my jacket.....fabulous!

The best news is that this wonderful spring energy burst that landed on me with the advent of daylight savings time has not abated, and I am jazzed and ready to go. Might even pick up a load of alpaca poop tomorrow, and share that with other club members.......Oh, and also, thanks to Roland Verrone and Bernie Wilson for their donations of a few more tubers for us to auction off at our next meeting - The love just keeps on coming, and to me, it feels just like sunshine!

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