Thursday, April 26, 2012


Anyone who knows me knows that I am never fully dressed without my Nikon D40. That is why it is so bizarre that, for the last three work parties, I have forgotten to include my camera among all the paraphernalia that I have hauled over to Fernie's house. Maybe I was just overwhelmed with the number of tubers that I had to get ready for sorting for our Tuber Sale this coming Saturday. Prior to the first work party, I had to go through the 10 apple boxes full of tubers, which included those from Rocky Reach Dam, as well as my home garden, and my sisters' garden on Russell Street. I winnowed these down to 7 boxes, leaving three under the house. The second work party, I brought the rest of the tubers that we had after we had sorted and selected those we wanted to plant. The third work party involved the sorting and adding of almost 300 tubers from Whatcom County. It also involved splitting up our membership, so that while some of us were working at Fernie's, others of us went over to the Emerson Street Demonstration Garden to set up the irrigation lines, and member rows. I think you could say that we are experiencing an "Embarrassment of Riches", in that we have such bounty to deal with! I guess it was just so overwhelming, that the corner of my brain that usually remembers the camera had to vacate a space for those extra tubers.......In any event, I was motivated to take a picture at our last work party, when Helen Pickett, one of our members, looked over at Sherry, Gloria, and Pat, all of whom were bending over, digging through boxes trying to match tubers with their appropriate bags. She chuckled, and commented to me, "Well, there's a photo op for you...." Her view was of the "backsides" and reminded me of those wooden cutouts that you often see as lawn art, in peoples' front yards, depicting people bending over to work. I told her I had forgotten my camera again, but that I DID have my phone. I took out my phone, but by the time I got it out and the camera app opened, only Pat remained, working over the boxes.....I admit, I did snap her photo, but out of consideration for one of the best dahlia growers in our club, decided not to post it, especially after she indicated that she would not be too happy if I had taken a picture of her in such a position........In lieu of that photo, here is an innocent one, showing members standing up, sorting tubers. You will have to use your imagination if you want to see the one I didn't post....

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