Everything Grows

In 1964, our family moved to the Wenatchee Valley. My dad, Tony DeRooy, had just been hired as the first Landcape Supervisor at Rocky Reach Dam. Prior to that, he had worked for the Great Northern Railroad as the third of only three (ever) Superintendents of Parks. He had followed in the footsteps of my grandfather, Arie DeRooy, who had the position from 1934 until his death at Many Glacier Lodge on August 8, 1951. Growing plants, flowers and children was their life work. Anyone who knew these men, as well as the women who have stood faithfully by (thanks, Mom!) recognized their passion. This blog will be concerned mainly with dahlia and garden thoughts, but will also discuss things that are happening in the beautiful valleys, plains and mountains that we know as North Central Washington.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


OK - I know this may sound like wishful thinking, but I've always believed that if you want something good to happen, you need to have a positive, open and inviting attitude. So I keep singing that Beatles tune........Doo, doo, doo, doo......and focusing skyward, to watch it open up. I have to say that my recent trip to the southwest (Las Vegas, Phoenix and Tucscon) kind of spoiled me in the sunshine department - my skin warmed up every day under temperatures ranging from 70 to a high of 94, and it felt just wonderful. I try not to waste a lot of time lamenting weather conditions, but when the battle rages between snow and freezing temps in March and a need to have my soil reach 60 degrees for dahlia planting, you know which cause will win out. Since returning home on April 4, I have tried to get outside every day, and I am pleased to announce that yesterday, it was hovering around 70 for most of the day, even if a bit overcast. I was able to get out, shovel a bunch of manure and compost, and start leveling out my four main beds. When I went out at 8:00 for my nightly walk (after the M's game, of course!)it was still so mild, I didn't even need my jacket.....fabulous!

The best news is that this wonderful spring energy burst that landed on me with the advent of daylight savings time has not abated, and I am jazzed and ready to go. Might even pick up a load of alpaca poop tomorrow, and share that with other club members.......Oh, and also, thanks to Roland Verrone and Bernie Wilson for their donations of a few more tubers for us to auction off at our next meeting - The love just keeps on coming, and to me, it feels just like sunshine!

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