Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chaos or Excitement?

Wow.... Did we ever have a lively meeting tonight! We had a lot of last minute business to take care of prior to this weekend's show. We had good attendance tonight, and everyone was pretty excited about the weekend. We often found our discussion digressing from the agenda item to something someone else thought of. We even had some spontaneous singing, which distracted our president, who reminded us that we had business that NEEEDED to be tended to. It was pretty funny, and especially sweet, when you consider the personalities of people who grow dahlias. There is something about dahlia growers, especially those who join societies and put on shows that help promote the growing and showing of dahlias. The folks in the dahlia society are so unique and as a general rule, the type of people you like to hang out with. I guess it kind of has to be that way, since we really need to be able to depend on each other to do their share. If I am going to be part of a group, this is certainly a group that I enjoy being associated with. We will start working on setting things up tomorrow at 7:30 am at the mall. We have a big weekend ahead, but we have so many hard working people who give all they've got to make this the best show ever!

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